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and inklings

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  • 3 minutes

    Back in the PRC: postcard from China

    China is now a force to be reckoned with in higher-value goods. Investors should take notice – and double-check their portfolio holdings.

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  • 2 minutes

    We are Meridiem

    Veritas Investment Partners will be changing its name to Meridiem Investment Management.

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  • 7 minutes

    Disruptive innovation: ready or not, here IT comes

    Innovations are set to disrupt the two largest sectors we are invested in: healthcare and information technology

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  • 6 minutes

    Globalisation: reports of my death are likely exaggerated

    Geopolitical tensions have fuelled arguments that globalisation is dead, but the numbers tell a different story.

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  • 2 minutes

    Postcard from tech conference in Europe

    What’s on the horizon in global technology.

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  • 2 minutes

    Postcard from our visit to Tractor Supply

    Getting to know our companies inside out.

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  • 9 minutes

    Preparing for 10 billion people

    By 2030, around 70% of global middle class spend will be in emerging markets. How will we provide the food, power and goods to meet their needs?

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  • 9 minutes

    Robots are our friends?

    Every industrial revolution brings along a learning revolution.

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  • 5 minutes

    Our integrated approach

    How our approach integrates ESG factors, and why it’s so important to be long term.

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